domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


With this blog I learn many things about literary criticism. My challenge was to be objective and analyze different point of view that other people have to the novels, short story and others written works. I learn which the base of the author is, when they write the stories. Also, I acquire knowledge about diverse written styles. Besides, I to learn about the unusual grammatical structures that author`s have. I learn many things to improve knowledge also my language. I acquire information and vocabulary in each reading that is very useful for daily life that could be useful in my future. All the readings were interesting I really liked it. The idea to written our point of view original and very different to others course that I all ready receive I love it.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

I had seen this film before, and it is different from many others of the same gender I liked very much. When it starts giving you a feeling of fear and suspense is crazy. Besides, the way in which they use gothic imagery to get his “viewer’s” to feel scary of the atmosphere or setting. On the other hand makes you laugh because the courage and pride of Ichabod for not look bad in front of the court of New York. Crane arrives in Sleepy Hollow equipped with his bag of scientific tools. All those tools do not work at all because the headless is a supernatural from beyond the grave who rides at night on a massive black mount.

Headless Horseman is just some ‘victim’ the injustice being that his head is taken by the Kathryn's stepmother. The Headless Horseman is only a terror to the town of Sleepy Hollow because he is suffering from injustice. The movie develops the climax in a different way the viewers do not imagine in the beginning that the stepmother was the criminal. She was fulfill of revenge, selfishness and hate about Kathryn`s family. Of course, the love wins instead of her badness. I really liked the conclusion of the movie; they no forget the boy and the couple pick up with them. The moral can be “The controller ambitious can be good if you don’t lose your mind.
Do you think ambitious is good or bad?

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010


Beowulf was a young super hero adventurer excited for fame. He and his men were on a quest, risks them life for glory or fame, they were proud for the ideals or values of their of the warrior culture. Beowulf had killed countless monsters with his hands. One of the essentials that Beowulf possesses is the unquenchable desire for a quest. Beowulf is measured as an immense quest seeker by rapidly taking the initiative to accept the first mission to kill Grendel just by hearing how Grendel filled the nights with horror. The community established by Hrothgar is portrayed as a strong band of noble, who stream no threat to their solidarity or community.

Grendel is such a threat. Violent, arrogant, and filled with pride, Grendel will result in the death of the monster and his mother. Beowulf felt in the Grendel’s mother charm. Beowulf as the great leaders or as all human beings has an Achilles heel. I mean, the failure came about being ambitious and womanizer. Also, horn symbolizes sometime in the case of two kings and had a relation with Grendel’s mother. The majority human beings want to get the supreme power among the history of the Humanity. Besides, for Beowulf this treasure symbolizes his last battle and the many battles he’s won before. He dies but he has something to leave behind to testify that he was a winner.

Is fame or glory the only significance in humanity’s life?

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Night Without End

This Reading was interesting and at the same time remain me some excellent movies. What I`ll try to say is that it was as a James Bond or Indiana Jones movie in which the bad things only can happen to another people not to the protagonist he was a hero he is the best in all the things. The story began with adventured and also some mysterious. The protagonist has the solution for all and it not gives the chance to the audience to feel disappointment because the audience hopes to discover the big end. There are a lot of surprises along the way; I without doubt don't think anyone reading this will ever get bored. In another words the audience want to know what is coming in the next chapter with the protagonist.
Why this is a book full of adventure for me! Well, may be because the location is interesting. The main character was perhaps a little too self-recriminating, though this was understandable considering the situation and the results of his errors. The basic mystery plot was never really predictable, and joined with the cruel environment the simple survival story, which made the story flow very well. Is a very effective the setting atmospheric of this thriller? Or it should be develop in a forest?

miƩrcoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

Brave New World

This book is about futurism and also scary civilization. The reading is about these religious sects who are group of people wanting to be a pure race similar to the beliefs of the Nazis. First of all, with controversial government, that means follow its regulations which required a life without emotions without consciousness of anything. Second, the population became drug addicts who rely on a pill to take their lives without breaking the rules imposed by the government.
However, much about that world or civilization, we're living now things that is very close to our reality. Our government organized our job future rather at your convenience. Money is the boss; the money gives us a social position, from here begins our futuristic lifestyle. Why? All days we`ve see people without deep feelings, who have sex without any kind of protection for earn some money example: porn actress. Also, our people have changed the values that were given in the past by our parents; having money and important positions in society we do not care anything else.It is sad, the fact that people need to be drug for to feel ok and the way in which we accept this. Society came to be futuristic at all. or Will we or come to destroy us with our ambitions of being the best and most powerful in the world?

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

"A Doll`s House"

This story is very close to the reality that living families in the high society. Torvald`s live his life according to society's norms He is a lover of his lifestyle a "role model" to society to he likes seem as a perfectionist. He treats his wife, Nora, like a beautiful and treasured doll, who he can wear Sunday best, exhibit, and love externally. Also, as the Manager of the Bank, he will earn more money. Nora Helmer is a beautiful young wife, who loves to spend money, wear in elegant clothing, and take care of her children. She wants to keep her life as easy and simple. Nora holds a deep secret that threatens to destroy her happy home.
When the truth comes out, she tries to save her husband, and family's reputation, but eventually discovers that she has been living in a doll's house her entire life. Realizing that Nora feels a little disappointed and realized that her life is empty circus life. Kristina becomes Nora's confidante and helper. Kristina and Nils Krogstad shared a romance in the past, and she ended it to marry her late husband for a large sum of money. Obviously, it is all part of the reality of our society. Most women today are more interested in financial stability that a man can give us.
Why the humanity is too much fake, and care more the money over all?

martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

Character List
Mr. Willy Wonka - The eccentric owner of the Wonka chocolate factory. He is old but filled with energy. He is physically small, but his persona is larger than life. He is also both charming and insensitive. He was resentful for many years with his father, and then Charlie helped to solve it.
Charlie Bucket - The protagonist of the novel. Charlie is modest and respectful toward everyone in his life. Even though he has every reason to complain, he never does. Charlie is exactly the kind of child that Mr. Wonka wants.
Grandpa Joe - Charlie’s paternal grandfather. Grandpa Joe spends all his time in bed with the other three Bucket grandparents. He is extremely imaginative and fun loving. He realizes a return of his childish energy when Charlie finds the golden ticket. Grandpa Joe is kind and loving and also sensible. He is Charlie’s greatest friend and confidant.
Augustus Gloop - A fat boy who loves nothing but eating. Augustus is rude and disobedient in his never-ending quest to fill his own face.
Veruca Salt - A spoiled . Veruca demands anything she wants and throws irritability until her parents meet her demands. She is mean and completely self-involved, and her parents always consent to her wishes.
Violet Beauregarde - An passionate gum chewer. Violet’s attempt to beat a gum-chewing record completely consumes her.
Mike Teavee - A boy who cares only for television. The more guns and violence on a show, the more Mike likes it.
The Oompa-Loompas - Fun-loving small persons from Loompaland.. They enjoy dancing, beating drums, and singing songs about what happens to bad children.

The play tries to warn against the excesses of a permissive educational system and family that the youth has gone wrong until they were useless creatures and rebels. If parents do not pay attention about the waste time that children have with television, computers, video games would destroy the traditional values and family order. By contrast, Charlie Bucket, a boy who comes from a medium in which only the hardships abound-is a model of solidarity and respect for the rules of the adult world. Who is to blame for the poor education our children receive, parents, church or society???