lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

“Authencity Brought to Ligth”

It is an interesting Reading, I do not know if it was a short story. But, it really likes us as students. The story as an I will refers, was a detailed work. The way in which the authors described the girl, was awesome, because I could did a movie into my head, and I could imagine the girl in from of her mirror. I could felt her paint, her unsatisfactions because her husband. I identify with the main character because her sad situation. Besides, she does the correct things according to her unfaithful husband plays. The way in which she performed was so intelligent and she was a good actress to. The way how she keep the calm regarding to know about what was her husband doing. Could you act as a strange person In order to discover the true about something?

1 comentario:

  1. Albania, Awsome blog! Yor analysis is well thought out and you definatly have the knack of getting your ideas down! However, and a big HOWEVER,... your spelling and vocabulary choices need improvement.For example,
    It really likes us as students: This means that the story liked you not that the students liked the story. Also, I could feel her paint. I think you meant to write ¨pain¨. dissatisfaction
    Although the content of your blog is excellent, the errors diminish a job well done. Please take this into account for your next blog.
    To answer your question, I think that women are very strong and anyone can do anything as long as they set their minds to the task at hand.
